upstage_des.units package#
upstage_des.units.convert module#
Conversions for common distance and time units.
- unit_convert(value: int | float, units_from: str, units_to: str) float #
Convert between units of distance and time.
- Units must be one of:
distance: km, m, mi, nmi, ft
s, second, or seconds
min, minute, or minutes
hr, hour, or hours
day or days
week or weeks
All units are lower-cased on input.
- Parameters:
value (int | float) – Value of “from” unit
units_from (str) – Unit to convert from
units_to (str) – Unit to convert to
- Raises:
ValueError – _description_
- Returns:
- Return type:
Module contents#
Imports for units.