Random Numbers#

Random numbers are not supplied by UPSTAGE, you are responsible for rolling dice on your own.

However, UPSTAGE does use them in one area, which is in Wait, in the from_random_uniform() method.

The built-in python random module is used by default, and you can find it on stage.random. It can be instantiated in a few ways:

from random import Random
from upstage_des.api import UpstageBase, EnvironmentContext

base = UpstageBase()

with EnvironmentContext(random_seed=1234986):
    num = base.stage.random.uniform(1, 3)
    >>> 2.348057489610457

rng = Random(1234986)
with EnvironmentContext(random_gen=rng):
    num = base.stage.random.uniform(1, 3)
    >>> 2.348057489610457

with EnvironmentContext():
    num = base.stage.random.uniform(1, 3)
    >>> 2.348057489610457

If you want to use your own random number generator, just supply it to the random_gen input, or as its own variable with UP.add_stage_variable.

If you supply it as random_gen, ensure that it has a uniform method so that the Wait event can use it.